Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Tag 'gratitude'


When I started my Gratitude Series over two months ago, lots of things were happening around me and through it all, I noticed a common theme – no matter how bad life appeared to be, I had so many things to be grateful for. In the past, people have told me that I am extremely […]



Kechara helps all, regardless of race or religion, culture or background! Every day, Kechara Soup Kitchen feeds more and more people. They’ve just donated 300 cream buns and 300 soft drinks to Muslim orphans being cared for by a wonderful mosque in Puchong. By all accounts, the kids were extremely excited for the treats 😀 […]


How much you have transformed is how much guru devotion you have. If you haven’t transformed much, it doesn’t mean you haven’t worked hard. It just means you don’t have very strong guru devotion. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche


Here are three things that bug me: People who trawl other centres looking for members – I’m VERY happy with my teacher, thank you People who run off with those who came trawling for members – did you learn nothing from the Dharma about loyalty? People who give uninvited teachings on other people’s Facebook walls […]

Loyalty is being with the person even if it inconveniences you. – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche (From a text)

When you do Dharma work

When you’re doing Dharma work, you shouldn’t expect to be thanked. Otherwise you’re not doing Dharma work at all. In fact, you should be THANKFUL you have the opportunity to do Dharma work and serve others. Just think, “WHAT did I do in my previous life to do Dharma work now? What prostrations did I […]


I’m not exactly the most Zen person in the world. In fact, it’s hardly a well-kept secret that I’ve got a temper, that I can be quite outspoken and that if something’s wrong, well I don’t keep quiet about it. I’m more than happy to point out when people have screwed up, not because I […]

(Taken on Chris’ iPhone) I’m sharing here a photo I did not take, but it is a photo that has got me thinking about a great many things. Here’s its context – earlier this afternoon, I posted a picture of myself which had been taken during the greeting cards photo shoot. James saw it and […]


(Taken with my iPhone) Depending on how you know me, my name is either Elena or Jean Ai. I was born 24-and-something years ago, nothing remarkable. Grew up with loving parents, Malaysian family, went to a great school and an equally great university. Graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, worked in the criminal justice […]

(Taken with my iPhone) I can’t remember when it was but sometime last week, I woke up and realised that being vegetarian had become effortless. There was a time when I would say “omg I miss meat” and really mean it but now, meh – the feeling’s 99% gone. I started my slow journey in […]