Thoughts. Experiences. Inspiration.

Browsing Category 'Buddhas'


Manjushri is the reason I got into college and then went on to university. Back in my high school days, I was terrible at Maths (and I still am!) and was in one of the lowest classes in our year group. During the mock finals, arranged to familiarise us with the testing process, I scored […]

Mahasiddha Ghantapa

From Gandrapa was a prince of Nalanda but renounced the throne to be a monk, and later, a yogin. In his travels he met the guru Darikapa and was initiated into the Samvara mandala. He then travelled to Pataliputra, where King Devapala, a pious man welcomed monks and yogins into his kingdom. The king […]


(Taken with my iPhone) Please grant me long life so that I may live always in the service of others.

Amitayus tomorrow YAAY!

I feel like a truck’s driven over me, backed up, and then drive over me again. Today is not a good day. Oh well, I get to meet Amitayus tomorrow YAAY!

merelygifted: Mahakala

(Taken with my iPhone) White Tara, who heals us from all diseases. So too does Chenrezig Ngesung Kundrol.


Just messing with my new iPhone…

Homage to the Lord who purifies my spiritual path by clearing up obscurations for my mind to become single-pointed, undistracted and focused on a single purpose, I bow down to the Lord and Lady of emerald hue who repairs my highest commitments and samayas. To Lord Samayavajra, I surrender to you who is inseparable from […]